Girls will be Girls

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    Image Description

    An original oil painting of a little girl holding a basket of flowers by contemporary impressionist and modern portrait artist Talya Johnson.

    Behind the Canvas

    Betchya can't tell how much fun I had painting this?! All my children are boys, so when I found this little family of girls, I knew they would make the perfect models. Usually when I do a photo shoot, I let the models do whatever they always do until they forget I am there snapping a bajillion photos of them. On this beautiful summer day, I brought a few flowers with me, thinking the girls would enjoy them. I hit the jackpot! What a delight to watch them get out the dolls and carts and basket and toys and go straight to arranging the flowers. One of them, barely able to walk grabbed an enormous basket and toddled over to bring them to her mom. It was pure femininity in all its glory and strength.

    I emphasized movement through the unusual composition, trying to make the lawn feel as if her little feet had just been there. I accentuated broken color in the impressionist style I have come to love.

    This painting is perfect for a girl's room, healthcare office, children's lobby, or wherever a spot of youth and sunshine is called for.